Sunday, February 16, 2014

How to write a cover letter

If you were giving a beautiful piece of jewellery to someone, you wouldn't wrap it in yesterday's newspaper would you?

So why would you go to all the trouble of crafting a fabulous resume, only to send it with a half hearted, poorly crafted covering letter?

Well, you wouldn't. Not if you were really serious about getting that ideal job.


This is just an example. Your cover letter is your chance to show the skills and qualifications you have that don't go on your resume. Are you an amazing public speaker? Are you highly organized? Show how your experiences would make you perfect for the job.

As you can see from the letter, you know exactly who I am, what job I want, and what I can do. This is just what employers want to see! Make it straight and to the point. People who read cover letters can read 50 or more in one sitting, so they don't have time to hear about how much everyone liked a vacation you set up for them, or how you really really really want the job.

Make sure that your email sounds formal. Nothing like The format used is the accepted and preferred format for cover letters. And always remember, no contractions (no "I'm" or "don't") I wrote "Dear Sir or Madam", but if you know exactly who is going to read this than write their name! Especially since you have worked there for a while, make sure to note that that gives you an extra push and that you can work harder because you know who's who and what's what.

It should be three short paragraphs. Here is a cover letter I wrote in Business of Art class:

September 30, 2007

520 Eighth Avenue, Suite 321
New York, NY 10018

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am seeking an available internship position at ArtsConnection. I have just transferred from Elisabeth Irwin High School to The High School Of Fashion Industries. I heard about this opportunity through Ms. Wallin, my art teacher, and I am very eager to build my experience through being hired by your organization.

Ever since I was a child I have had a deep-rooted interest in the arts. I have always known that art is my niche in life and something I want to continue doing for as long as I am able. In addition to my academic education I have attended summer courses which have heightened my abilities in not only a creative sense but also have given me experience in self-discipline and pacing myself. All of the previous positions I’ve held have demanded responsibility and organization. I am a congenial and approachable person, and I take direction very well. I am very familiar with computers and have been known by my friends and peers to be very handy with solving problems and fixing electronics. Overall, I believe I would be a productive, helpful, and welcomed addition to your organization.

My resume is enclosed and I am looking forward to hearing from you. I can be reached by email anytime at {plug in your most formal sounding email}, or by telephone after 3 PM at 555-555-5555. Thank you for your time and consideration.

{signature here}
Ana Person  

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